Mauricio López Dardaine
Industrial Engineering Degree
International Trade Consultant
Founder Estudio López Dardaine, 1984 to present date
Represented the Cámara de Exportadores de la República Argentina at the ALADI, MERCOSUR and FTAA trade negotiations between 1981 and 2007
Member of the MERCOSUR Foreign Trade Business Council
Invited Panel Member at:
Launching of the Global Academic Network on WTO and Regional Integration issues, Barcelona, 2008
Workshop on Environmental Goods and Services, Geneva, 2007 and 2006
Dialogue with China, Geneva, 2007
Forum on Biofuels in Latin America, Quito, 2007
Regional Dialogue on Environmental Goods and Services, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 2005
European Commission Regional Workshop on Sustainable Development and Regional Trade Agreements, Buenos Aires, 2005
Expo-Trade, Buenos Aires, 2004 and 2003
Grupo Zapallar Meeting on Trade and Sustainable Development, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, 2003
Trade and Sustainable Development Meeting, Québec,2001
Speaker at Madrid’s Cámara Oficial de Comercio e Industria, 1999, Integración Latinoamericana en el año 2005
Vice-President of the Argentine-Chilean Business Committee, Argentine Chapter, 1995 and1996
Secretary to the First Latin American Meeting on Petrochemicals, Argentine Chapter, Bariloche, Argentina, 1976

Maximiliano López Dardaine
Degree in Business Administration
Foreign Trade Consultant
Has worked in privately owned firms, especially in Marketing
Has carried out studies on Trade Facilitation within the framework of MERCOSUR-EU negotiations
Has carried out studies on Environmental Goods and Services in Argentina and Brazil
Between 2001 and 2003 he developed his professional skills in the US
From 1997 to the present date he has attended trade negotiations within the ALADI and MERCOSUR on behalf of our clients
Has carried out a number of marketing research studies in connection with foreign trade in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and the US
Has conducted various marketing development ventures abroad
Has attended post-grade courses in both marketing and foreign trade
“ As from 1999, Estudio López Dardaine became part of the efforts of the International Community on behalf of Sustainable Development, a key matter that together with the beginning of the new century went to top of the agendas in most international negotiations and conferences.